Aptus Startbooster - 1 litre
Aptus Startbooster - 1 litre
APTUS Startbooster is a root and growth booster that gives the soil and the plant all necessary elements for an optimal growth phase.
Euro 73.91
Article code: 8866
- Product info
APTUS Startbooster is a root and growth booster that gives the soil and the plant all necessary elements for an optimal growth phase.
APTUS Startbooster is composed of a unique formulation of high-grade amino acids, humic acids and biologically available nitrogen.
APTUS Startbooster can be used on all type of soils and substrates.
The double action of the 100% biological compounds on the soil and the plant ensures a natural equilibrium that stimulates and accelerates the formation of the root and plant structure.
APTUS Startbooster is a very concentrated product with a mixture rate of 1:4000. You only need to dose 25 ml of product in 100 litres of water.
When using the APTUS Startbooster the pre-growth phase should be shortened to prevent plants from growing too big.
APTUS Startbooster can also be used to dip new cuttings. Dosage for dipping is 1:100.
1 Improved soil structure
2 Improved uptake of water and nutrients
3 Stimulates natural equilibrium
4 Improved nutrients buffer
1 More, better and quicker formation of roots, stems and plant tissue
2 Improved transport of nutrients
3 Shorter pre-growth time